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Meet tttcare

The Waterbed Reimagined

Imagine a bed that totally supports and conforms to the shape of your body. Imagine a bed that is precisely as cool or as warm as you want it to be.

The perfect medium

Fabulously, our bodies are more than 70% water. Even our muscles are mostly water. Why is a warm bath so calming? Why does an ice pack treat a sprain or bruise so effectively? For the same reason, a waterbed is so comfortable and calming.  

The better sleep

A wonderful night’s sleep consists of a series of repeating sleep cycles. Each cycle is about 90 minutes long, and naturally provides the right amount of emotionally restorative REM and deep physically rejuvenating Delta sleep. Outside influences can disturb the natural rhythm of sleep. tttcare can’t prevent you from drinking five cups of coffee before you go to bed, but it can reduce turning and tossing.

Prevention & therapy for

  • Back pain

  • Sleep disorders

  • Arthritis

  • House dust allergy

  • Cardiovascular diseases

  • Bedsores (decubitus)

  • Burns

  • Rheumatism

  • Rehabilitation, e.g., artificial hip

  • Pregnancy

  • Learn about the medical benefits of waterbeds

Temperature matters

While our core temperature is 98.6 Fahrenheit (37Celsius), our skin temperature is about 5 degrees cooler. We want to sleep in an environment that is compatible with our surface temperature. Water is also a great medium for temperature transfer. Everyone has a different idea about the perfect sleep temperature. A well-designed waterbed allows you to keep your sleep environment the exact temperature you consider ideal.





Why TTTCare ?

         TTTCare is Taiwan's largest waterbed manufacturer and produces high-quality specialty sleep products and accessories. The factory, which was founded in 2000, has achieved this position because it consistently relies on all areas of knowledge, quality, responsibility, and always keeps the whole picture in mind.  tttcare is impressive of US patent with more pending, all pertaining to the continued quality, innovation, and design of unique specialty sleep products with a focus on technological improvements.

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